
Functional Completeness

Yuval Filmus

A set of Boolean connectives is complete (can generate all Boolean functions) unless one of the following holds:

  1. All connectives are 0-preserving (if all inputs are 0 then the output is 0).
  2. All connectives are 1-preserving.
  3. All connectives are monotone.
  4. All connectives are self-dual ($f(\bar{x}) = \overline{f(x)}$).
  5. All connectives are affine.

This follows from Post’s classification of all Boolean clones. In particular, these are the five maximal non-trivial clones.

We present a self-contained proof of this classical result.


title = {Functional Compleness},
author = {Yuval Filmus},
year = {2025}}
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